We urgently need your prayers to prevent the closure of our beloved Monastery. The Novena prayers to St. Joseph previously prayed during the month of May at the Carmel can be found here.

In your charity, please contact the following with a brief note of support urging that this Monastery be kept open. Personal anecdotes of how the Sisters have been important to you or your family over the years would be most appreciated.

The Most Reverend Nelson J. Perez
Archbishop of Philadelphia 
222 N. 17th Street 
Philadelphia, PA   19103-1299
(Address as “Your Excellency”)
Donna Huddell, Secretary

Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of  Apostolic Life 
His Eminence the Cardinal Prefect
Piazza Pio XII, 3 / 00193 Rome 
Telephone: +39. 06. 69884121 
civcsva.pref@ccscrlife.va (Prefect)
(Address as “Your Eminence”)