My Dear Sister Ignatius,
Is it not time for me to thanks you for your kind letter and the money enclosed in it? It is more than time indeed as I received them two months ago. I hope you received your order except the leaflets “TO souls who desire to enter the little way,” as they are out of print. We have no simple leaflets with the prayer for canonization. I did not dare to send you the 4 page ones. The chèque you sent was quite acceptable.. Many thanks.
I hope your dear Rev. Mother is better and that you are all keeping well. Our dear Sister M. of the Sacred Heart is quite well now. In December one of our white novices fell ill and she had to return to her family where she died a holy death on Jan. 31st. I suppose you have received the circular about our dear Sr. Marie des Anges (Sr. Mary of the Angels), R.I.P.
We pray that you may be able to purchase the ground you need for your garden. Here we have another kind of difficulties: we have near our monastery several old houses which we would need to demolish in order to build a house for our extern sisters (we took half of their old house for the chapel of the shrine and they need of course to have more room).
Well, there are tenants in these houses whom we can’t get rid of, and the French law being socialist on this point the tenants are more powerful than the proprietors.
I didn’t forget you at the crib and thank you for remembering me there. On Feb. 1st I prayed St. Ignatius for you begging of him to grant you to be a martyr of love. Please give my loving respect to rev. Mother Beatrice and ask her to bless me. I often think of Srs. Stanislaus and Mary and think they must be very busy helping our Beata in heaven as they did on earth. The exact date of the canonization will not be officially published before the end of April.
Wishing you a holy Lent and commending ourselves to your prayers, I remain dear Sister Ignatius,
Your affectionate Sister in Our Lord,
S. Anne of Jesus
We have some leaflets with a poem for the Beatification which will be of no use after the Canonization. As we suppose you could easily dispose of a few hundreds of them we are sending a little supply for free distribution. The Preparation for 1st communion is out of print.