My dear Sister Ignatius,
I received your letter on December 11th and wanted to acknowledge it much sooner, only I thought I would receive from Rochvale the notice that the 1000 plain novena leaflets had been sent; so far I have not received it, so I think it is better to send you the invoice for the goods sent from France, and I’ll send bill for those sent from England when I know they have been forwarded.
Many thanks, dear Sister, for the cheque of £21_11_4. I enclose receipted bills and the $10.worth of relics will be forwarded in a couple of days.
The copies of the speech of the pope were sent to you for free distribution; I had asked Imprimerie St. Paul [St. Paul’s Printing Press] to put a card stating they were offered to you with our compliments. This speech is so full of light on the way of spiritual childhood that we like to spread it as much as possible, especially among priests.
We can’t hope that the beatification will take place this year, but we can hope for 1923. There are no beatifications nor canonizations at all this year. The Congregation Ante-preparatory for the miracles will take place on the 7th March; please pray for its success.
We are glad to hear that your buildings are progressing so well; here it is a little less slow than before, but it is a very poor “chantier” (I don’t know how to translate this word.). [chantier –site, in this case building site]
I always rely on your charity to pray for me and I pray for you. I do so very speacially at the crib at my daily visit there.
Affectionately yours in Our Lord,
Sr. Anne of Jesus