by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Aug 8, 1906 | Correspondence, History, Mother Agnes, People, Sr. Stanislaus
J.T.+ J.T. August 8, 1906 Little Sister St. Stanislaus, beloved by my little Thérèse – It seems that you are ill1. That causes pain to your little mother of Lisieux. Quickly, very quickly, may...
by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Mar 2, 1906 | Correspondence, History, Mother Agnes, People
J.M.+ J.T. Carmel of Lisieux March 2, 1906 Jesus My dear little Sister and child, Yes, it is necessary to love “holy pleasures”. It is the good Jesus Who wishes them for us on earth … only they are not...
by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Jan 4, 1906 | Correspondence, History, Mother Agnes, People, Relics, St. Therese de Lisieux
J.M.+ J.T. Carmel of Lisieux January 4, 1906 Jesus My Reverend and dear Mother1, Have you received the mementos of our dear little sister in heaven2? Was the package wrapped securely? Was anything lost? ...
by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Dec 29, 1904 | Correspondence, History, Mother Marie de Gonzague, People, Sr. Marie of the Eucharist
J.M.+ J.T. Carmel of Lisieux December 29, 1904 Jesus Dear little Sister, Alas – the news that you await is going to sadden you, when you read of the death of our very good Mother Marie de Gonzague1...