
Jesus                                           February 5, 1911


My little Stanislaus,


How can you be ill without having asked permission of your little mother of lisieux!  It is very bad.  It is necessary to take care of you; it is necessary to heal you in order for you to be able to work on earth for the glory of the good Lord.  But at this time it is necessary to profit from the illness to advance in the little path of Thérèse – a path of love and of peace, a sure path, as she as made clear to the Bishop in Gallipoli.


This holy Bishop had wished to put our heavenly sister to the test.  He has now gone to Gallipoli1.  He entered our monastery, and placed in the famous chest a sealed envelope.  On a paper enclosed in this sealed envelope were written the words: “My path is sure.”  He asked Thérèse that if she truly wished him to speak of her childlike and spiritual path, to place 300 francs in the envelope when he would open it.  And he really found 300 francs there!


It is not marvelous?  The Vice-Postulator2 is busy with this affair.  The Bishop wishes to speak of it to the Holy Father.


Let us run together, my little child, in this child’s path, in confidence and abandonment.  I know that you no longer have good legs but the wings of your soul must be substituted3.



Your little mother,

Sr. Agnes of Jesus, r.c.i.


1We could not document this story of a miracle more fully.  “Gallipoli” is a Titular See – we do not have the name of the Bishop on record.  Nor can we identify the “famous chest” – perhaps in the cell of Thérèse?

2 The Vice-Postulator of the Cause was Msgr.  R.  de Teil.  He made a visit to the Carmel of Philadelphia in November, 1914.

3 Sr. Stanislaus of the Blessed Sacrament died on March 10, 1911.