Carmel of Lisieux
March 8, 1920
Dear Sister Ignatius,
I hope you have received the large helios 40 X 24 which were sent on Jan. 31, also the other articles ordered by you. There was a mistake about the 25 each poem leaflets ordered on February 6th. They were sent in French. As soon as I was aware of the mistake I sent you 25 each in English. As the French sent is of no use to you, you can send those you received to Mr. Joseph Gayer, 2130 rue St. Urbain, Montreal, Canada and please deduct price of postage off the next c/o.
As you did not mention which edition of As Little Children you wanted, I sent you 50 at 5 each and 50 at 1 each. Thank you for the offering sent towards the beatification fund, we pray for all the donors. With the paper sachets we put some other sachets to give to persons who give offerings to the cause. I had told you I think that the Life of Little Therese for Children would be dearer but we are happy to say that we will let it at the same price for our dear Carmels. It is increased in England but we want to enable you not to increase it in America. Sister Genevieve can’t undertake any work of painting for the outside she has too much to do in the Community. I hope your friend will not be too disappointed but it is really impossible; Sr. Genevieve is obliged to refuse such works even to our great benefactors and to our Carmels. You are quite fortunate to have a painting done by her; when she made it she was less busy that she is now.
You did well to tell us about the large volume of the Life being injured; we warned Bureau of Postes and hope they will be more careful in the future. Please do not hesitate to tell us when the wrapping is not sufficient, we are most anxious that you receive your goods in good condition.
Now, dear Sister, when you send checks, would you kindly make them payable at the Société Générale of Paris not Lisieux, if your bank does not want to make the check at the Société Générale, well take it to any bank they like provided it is in Paris, as it suits us to cash them in Lisieux. Now, won’t you say that I am very hard to content? Indeed I confess I deserve such a reproach, but please forgive me.
When you are ready to settle the invoices, could you send a $40. Check to Reverend Father Falaize, O.M.I. Fort Resolution N.W. 6 Canada; in doing so you will do a great act of charity and oblige both Father Falaise and your sisters of Lisieux. I thank you in advance. If it gives you any trouble to send the check to Canada you may send it here and we’ll send it to Father Falaize.
I thank you for your kind solicitude about our fare, I am much touched by it. As you say our Lord does not let very often His Carmelites starve, and though the war has brought so many ruins everywhere in Europe we can say that we have not suffered of it, of course we suffer like the others; food is scarce very scarce, and at such high prices that the poor can’t get all they should need, being the poor of Christ, we also deprive ourselves of some things like eggs because they are too dear, but we do not miss anything of the necessary; at the contrary we are much spoilt by Providence. Some Belgian Carmels and those of
Austria are in great distress; there are some also in France who are extremely poor, having lost all their little fortune during the war, but they are all so fervent that I am sure Our Lord will come to the rescue. Our little saint helps them wonderfully save these Carmels but we must pray that she may increase her gifts. One Carmel in France was rather well off before the war, of course their lives were poor all the same, for it was one of the best communities in France; all their extra income was employed to help poor Carmels and good works, and now they are so poor they can’t even receive postulants who have no dowry! It is a great trial but their past charity and their great fervor will not remain without a reward.
How I understand your feelings at the thought of your dear Reverend Mother Beatrix! I think our Holy Mother Teresa also understands you since she herself says that she is not detached of her daughters nor are they of her. I hope she will hear your desire and send your dear Reverend Mother Beatrix in May. But is it not sad to think that your joy will be the cause of a great sorrow in Wheeling? Really earth is not the place of full joy, only heaven will give us it.
With affectionate regards and in union of prayers,
I remain,
Dear Sister Ignatius,
Yours sincerely,
Sr. Anne of Jesus