Carmel of Lisieux
January 10. 1924
My Dear Sister Ignatius,
Your kind letter of December 15 and the draft it contained reached me on the 31st, but I found it impossible to acknowledge it sooner. As ever days are too short for the work we have to do though things are not so hard as they were from March to November. We feel the help of our good tertiary sisters. As for myself I have no help directly from them yet in some ways I feel their assistance. This year will be less “mouvementée” [eventful] than 1923, but we need take some provision of strength for 1925 as we hope that the Canonization will take place in that year.
Though the solemnity will be greater, yet there will be less to do than for the Beatification, and things being well organized now it will be easier to meet the two ends.
Many thanks, Dear Sister for your nice programme and the account of the Tridium. It was really grand with the cardinal and so many bishops. Have you not a photograph of your chapel as it was during the Tridium; we collect such photos though small they are and we would like to have that of Phila. if you had any taken.
We regret very much you didn’t receive the news that the Office of our Beata could be said on Sept. 30th. I thought our Mothers of Montréal had the addresses of all the Carmels in the U.S., otherwise we would have wired to you.
Please thank the good lady who sent $1. To our Rev. Mother and tell her that her Reverence prays for her. The lumbago has gone, thank God; but Rev. Mother since her illness of last March is rather delicate.
Your dear Sr. M. Philomena has gone to Heaven on January 5th. We feel her departure for we loved and venerated her as a saint and indeed she was one. She died as she had lived: in praying. She was 84 years old. Though we are more prompted to pray to her than for her, I commend her to your prayers.
I hope you are all keeping well and that will not be too hard on you.
I remembered you at the crib and hope that our Divine Savior has heard my prayer for you. If so, He has granted you a very holy and happy Xmastide. [Christmastide]
With loving greetings to Reverend Mother Prioress and all the Community, I remain my Dear Sister Ignatius, your devoted Sister in Our Lord,
Sr. Anne of Jesus