by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Dec 12, 1906 | Correspondence, History, Mother Agnes, People, Sr. Stanislaus
J.M.+ J.T. Carmel of Lisieux December 12, 1906 Jesus My dear little Sister and child, Just a few words while sending your bill1 to tell you that we are still at Lisieux, but that our Chapel is closed from today...
by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Aug 8, 1906 | Correspondence, History, Mother Agnes, People, Sr. Stanislaus
J.T.+ J.T. August 8, 1906 Little Sister St. Stanislaus, beloved by my little Thérèse – It seems that you are ill1. That causes pain to your little mother of Lisieux. Quickly, very quickly, may...
by Philadelphia Carmelites | Jun 1, 1904 | Books, Correspondence, History, Mother Marie de Gonzague, People, Sr. Stanislaus, Story of a Soul
Letter from Sr. Marie de Gonzague, Lisieux, to Philadelphia thanking for the English translation of poems, prayer request not to be...
by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Jul 17, 1903 | Books, Correspondence, History, Little Flower, Mother Agnes, People, Sr. Stanislaus
J.M.+ J.T. Carmel of Lisieux July 17, 1903 Jesus My dear little Sister, I am responding first to the letter you sent prior to this. This popular edition you desire of the Little Flower will be made next...