by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Jul 17, 1903 | Books, Correspondence, History, Little Flower, Mother Agnes, People, Sr. Stanislaus
J.M.+ J.T. Carmel of Lisieux July 17, 1903 Jesus My dear little Sister, I am responding first to the letter you sent prior to this. This popular edition you desire of the Little Flower will be made next...
by Mother Agnes of Jesus | May 1, 1903 | Correspondence, History, Mother Agnes, People
J.M.+ J.T. Carmel of Lisieux May 1, 1903 Jesus My very dear Sister, How long I have delayed in responding to your good letter! May my little Thérèse bring you my excuses … I see that...
by Mother Agnes of Jesus | Dec 8, 1902 | Correspondence, History, Mother Agnes, People
J.M.+ J.T. Carmel of Lisieux December 8, 1902 Jesus My dear little Sister1, In spite of Advent2 I am writing these few lines to thank you for your good letter, to assure you of our prayers for the cure of the Jesuit Father3 of whom you speak and still...