by Sister Anne of Jesus | Feb 2, 1924 | Books, Correspondence, History, People, Sr. Anne of Jesus, Sr. Ignatius
J. M. J. T. Carmel of Lisieux ...
by Sister Anne of Jesus | Jan 10, 1924 | Correspondence, History, People, Sr. Anne of Jesus, Sr. Ignatius
J.M.J.T. Carmel of Lisieux January 10. 1924 My Dear Sister Ignatius, Your kind letter of December 15 and the draft it contained reached me on the 31st, but I found it impossible to acknowledge it sooner. As ever days are too short for the work we have to do...
by Sister Anne of Jesus | Aug 28, 1923 | Correspondence, History, People, Sr. Anne of Jesus, Sr. Ignatius
Carmel de Lisieux Lisieux (Calvados) August 28, 1923 The Mother Prioress of Lisieux to M.______________ My Dear Sister Ignatius, Doubtless you will think that...
by Sister Anne of Jesus | Jul 13, 1923 | Correspondence, History, People, Sr. Anne of Jesus, Sr. Ignatius
J.M.J.T. Carmel of Lisieux July 13, 1923 My dear Sister Ignatius, Your note of June 29th just to hand. (meaning probably ‘just in hand’). I wish I could send you the particulars you desire, but the group above our altar was made after our Rev. Mother’s...
by Sister Anne of Jesus | Jun 2, 1923 | Correspondence, History, People, Sr. Anne of Jesus, Sr. Ignatius
Carmel of Lisieux June 2, 1923 Dear Sister Ignatius, It is indeed a long time that I received you kind letter and enclosure. I did not think I would delay so much to acknowledge same, but I am sure you understand easily how my time is taken by all the...